Monthly Archives: August 2024

This new accessible Xbox nunchuck controller has 3D-printable joystick parts

Microsoft demonstrated its leadership in accessible gaming hardware again on Wednesday with the announcement of a new one-handed joystick controller for Xbox and PC. The Xbox Adaptive Joystick works with the company’s already robust accessibility hardware stack, and even includes … Continue reading

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Telecom that enabled Biden deepfake scam will pay FCC $1M

Early this year, AI-powered fake audio of President Biden reached voters in New Hampshire. The FCC struck back swiftly, identifying the perpetrator as the Texas-based Life Corporation, which has been behind similar scams over the years, and whacked them and … Continue reading

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OpenAI’s opposition to California’s AI law ‘makes no sense,’ says state Senator

OpenAI broke its silence on California’s most controversial AI bill on Tuesday, officially expressing opposition in a letter to California state Senator Scott Wiener and Governor Gavin Newsom. The AI giant argued SB 1047 would stifle innovation and push talent … Continue reading

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Bolt’s wild ultimatum to its VCs will only succeed if they agree, expert says

Bolt’s aggressive ultimatum to its existing shareholders will be an expensive uphill battle, an expert familiar with Bolt’s corporate charter tells TechCrunch. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

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August was Medium’s first profitable month — ever

August was online publishing platform Medium’s first profitable month — ever. That’s according to Medium CEO Tony Stubblebine, who on Wednesday published a recap of Medium’s recent digital 2024 Medium Day conference. Stubblebine says that Medium had more than one … Continue reading

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This founder had to train his AI not to rickroll people

Flo Crivello was monitoring outputs from the AI assistants his company Lindy makes when he noticed something strange. A new client had asked her Lindy AI assistant for a video tutorial that would better help her understand how to use … Continue reading

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Microsoft will release controversial Windows Recall AI search feature to testers in October

It’s been a bumpy rollout for a feature that was designed as an early example of an artificial intelligence model running locally on a Windows PC.

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Gamified rower startup Aviron branches out into bikes

At around $2,000, the Fit Bike places the system between Peloton’s entry-level Bike ($1,500) and Bike+ ($2,500). © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

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Typing these four characters could crash your iPhone

A bug in the iPhone makes it crash just by typing four characters. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

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Anthropic’s Claude surpasses $1M in mobile app revenue

However, Claude is still ranking far behind top rival ChatGPT. © 2024 TechCrunch. All rights reserved. For personal use only.

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